臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.5(2-3)

特集名 クリニカルパスの透析医療への応用
題名 統一した看護手順をめざして -- クリティカルパスの導入を試みて
発刊年月 2001年 05月
著者 加藤 桂 望星藤沢クリニック・看護婦
著者 勝呂 美代子 望星藤沢クリニック・看護婦
著者 寺井 直子 望星藤沢クリニック・看護婦
【 要旨 】 3年前,当クリニックで問題となっていたデータ管理に,クリティカルパスの導入を試みた.その当時はまだクリティカルパスの文献も少なく,また急性期疾患や手術,検査入院のパスの発表がほとんどであった.慢性疾患である透析でのパスの導入も目にしたが,導入期指導,シャント造設術であった.
Theme Application of Clinical Path for Dialysis Treatment
Title Unified nursing procedure
Author Katsura Katoh Department of Nursing, Bousei Fujisawa Clinic
Author Miyoko Suguro Department of Nursing, Bousei Fujisawa Clinic
Author Naoko Terai Department of Nursing, Bousei Fujisawa Clinic
[ Summary ] Three years ago our clinic tried to introduce the critical path into our data management system, which was experiencing many problems. At that time, there was little literature on the critical path. Most publications were concerned with the path of acute diseases, operations, and hospitalizations for inspection. We also found the introduction of the path for hemodialysis, related to chronic disease. However, that path was for training during the introduction period and arterio-venous fistula operations. This time, the critical path method is seen to be effective at satellite institutions, maintaining hemodialysis. We first started by solving the most common problem, but the overall effect was greater than expected.
We conclude that the critical path method is worth adopting for treatment of chronic diseases.