臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.4(6)

特集名 適正透析 -- kinetic modeling の最近の動向
題名 血液透析における phosphate kinetics
発刊年月 2001年 04月
著者 安藤 康宏 自治医科大学腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 現行の血液透析療法の主流である週3回の4~6時間の間欠的透析では,透析膜や技法をいかに改良しても高リン血症の是正は不可能である.よって本稿では,血液透析中のphosphate kineticsではなく,より臨床的な立場から広く生体のphosphate kineticsに重点をおいて最近の知見を紹介したい.
Theme Adequate Dialysis : Current Topics in Kinetic Modeling
Title Current view of phosphate kinetics in hemodialysis
Author Yasuhiro Ando Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Jichi Medical School
[ Summary ] Current hemodialysis therapy, in which most uremic patients are treated with intermittent dialysis session for 4 to 6 hours thrice a week, cannot satisfactorily achieve a correction of hyperphosphatemia, despite considerable increase in phosphate removal, through improvement of dialyzer membrane and dialysis procedure. In this article, phosphate kinetics is not defined, as the behavior of phospahte during hemodilaysis. Instead, from a clinical point of view, topics related to whole body kinetics in uremic patients are reviewed and discussed.