臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.4(3)

特集名 適正透析 -- kinetic modeling の最近の動向
題名 compartment model の概念と利用法
発刊年月 2001年 04月
著者 金森 敏幸 産業技術総合研究所物質プロセス研究部門
【 要旨 】 生体内の特定物質の動態(kinetics)を取り扱うために,生体内に一つあるいは複数の系(外部と区別できる空間,compartment)を想定するモデル化手法をcompartment modelと呼ぶ.あるcompartmentが均一であると仮定できる場合,質量保存則に基づき物質収支式が得られる.compartment内の当該物質の濃度は,compartment内での当該物質の産生速度,compartment間,あるいはcompartmentと体外との物質移動速度をパラメーターとして,時間の関数として表される.
Theme Adequate Dialysis : Current Topics in Kinetic Modeling
Title The concept and application of compartment model
Author Toshiyuki Kanamori Institute of Materials and Chemical Processes, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
[ Summary ] Assuming that there are one or several homogeneous compartments in the human body, the law of conservation of mass is applied to each compartment. Therefore, mass balance equations for solutes and water are ohtainable for each compartment. The kinetics for solutes and water can be derived as functions of time, with parameters of generation rates for each compartment, mass and water transfer rates between compartments and between compartments and the outside enviroment. This modeling method is known as the "Compartment Model."
It is not easy to determine how many compartments we should assume there to be in the human body. Generally, a model with more compartments can represent more complicated phenomena but loses the generality of expression. It is very important to make a suitable model by choosing the essences of those phenomena examined, with reasonable assumptions being made.