臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.3(8)

特集名 全身性疾患における血液浄化療法 -- 急性期、および慢性期の対応
題名 家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチーに対する血漿交換療法の経験
発刊年月 2001年 03月
著者 後藤 俊臣 三井大牟田病院神経病総合医療センター神経内科
著者 池川 眞一 池川内科・神経内科
著者 荒木 淑郎 三井大牟田病院神経病総合医療センター神経内科
【 要旨 】 I型FAPは,末梢神経障害と自律神経障害を特徴とする常染色体優性遺伝の全身性アミロイドーシスであり,多くの場合,トランスサイレチン(TTR)遺伝子の変異(TTR Met 30:30番バリン→メチオニン変異)をその原因としている.青年期から中年期にかけて感覚優位の末梢神経障害で発症し,腎臓,あるいは心臓のアミロイドーシスや消化管のアミロイドーシスに起因する栄養障害のため,おおむね10~20年の経過をもって進行し,ついには死に至る.
Theme Management of Systemic Diseases with Blood Purification : Aute and Chronic Stage of Diseases
Title Plasma exchange treatment for familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) with TTR Met 30
Author Toshiomi Goto Mitsui Ohmuta Hospital, Department of Neurology, Neurological Center
Author Shinichi Ikegawa Ikegawa Clinic
Author Shukuro Araki Mitsui Ohmuta Hospital, Department of Neurology, Neurological Center
[ Summary ] Type I FAP is an autosomal dominant systemic amyloidosis, characterized by peripheral neuropathy and autonomic dysfunction. It occurs most often as a result of mutation within the transthyretin (TTR) gene. Type I FAP with TTR Met 30 is clinically characterized by middle age onset of sensory dominant polyneuropathy. The disease follows a progressive course and death follows in approximately 10-20 years from renal, cardiac amyloidosis or malnutrition, related to gastrointestinal amyloidosis.
There is no specific treatment for any form of systemic amyloidosis. Recently, liver trans plantation has been carried out for FAP patients with beneficial effects seen.
Plasma exchange was performed to remove protein, which is a possible precursor to amyloid fibril, a variant TTR from serum. No appreciable clinical improvement was obtained in the three patients seen. This may simply be due to having only one trial for each patient. Variant TTR once removed, returned to prior levels within 3 days, suggesting that if a plasma exchange procedure is performed, it must be done frequently. To selectively remove the variant TTR from serum, an absorbent with a specific affinity for variant TTR is needed. Plasma exchange treatment requires further investigation.