臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.13(1-4)

特集名 介護保険と透析医療
題名 総論:医師会と介護保険
発刊年月 2001年 12月
著者 村上 秀一 青森県医師会常任理事/三良会村上新町病院理事長
【 要旨 】 介護保険制度を円滑に運用するためには,医師会員が介護保険を十分に理解すること,保健・医療・福祉の社会資源の連携を密接にとり,その連絡係あるいはサポーターとしての役割を担うこと,そしてコ・メディカルを含めた地域における啓蒙を十分に行うことが必要である.
Theme Curent Status and Problem of Long Term Care Insurance System for Dialyzed Patients
Title The Aomori Prefectural Medical Association and insurance for care and assistance for the elderly
Author Shuichi Murakami The Aomori Prefectural Medical Association / Murakami Shinmachi Clinic
[ Summary ] The Aomori Prefectural Medical Association in cooperation with Aomori Prefecture, has actively promoting the establishment of a health service system, medical care system, and a welfare system for our aging society.
In order for the insurance for care and assistance for the elderly to operate smoothly, it is necessary for each member of the Medical Association to understand this insurance for care and assistance for the elderly well, to work in close cooperation with the social resources for health services, medical care, and welfare, to do his/her share as a facilitator or supporter, and to enlighten people in the community, including paramedical staffs.
Dialysis patients are not exempt from aging. There is an increasing number of patients who cannot go to the hospital because of regional or environmental problems. Resolution of this problem through social resources, including the insurance for care and assistance for the elderly program, is a matter that must be urgently addressed. We must set priorities to help us understand the insurance for care and assistance for the elderly before criticizing or modifying it.
In this paper, we report on the activities undertaken by the Aomori Prefecture Medical Association to ensure the smooth operation of the insurance for care and assistance for the elderly, highlight the difficult conditions under which dialysis patients live in Aomori.