臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.13(1-3)

特集名 介護保険と透析医療
題名 総論:欧米の介護制度
発刊年月 2001年 12月
著者 高橋 進 日本大学大学院グローバル・ビジネス研究科/国立横須賀病院名誉院長
【 要旨 】 一般に65歳以上の高齢者人口が全人口の12%になったときに高齢社会国と呼んでいる.高齢者人口が12%になったのはわが国や米国では1990年前後,フランスでは1960年である.欧米諸国でもわが国ほどでないにせよ,急速に要介護高齢者の介護対策・年金・福祉に対する措置が必要になっている.2025年にはわが国の高齢者人口は28.2%となり,フランスの23%をはるかに超えると推定されている.
Theme Curent Status and Problem of Long Term Care Insurance System for Dialyzed Patients
Title Long-term care system in Europe and USA
Author Susumu Takahashi Nihon University Graduate School of Grobal Business
[ Summary ] Western countries and especially Japan now need to take urgent measures to detail with healthcare issues, including pension plans and welfare for the elderly.
At present, only three countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, and Japan have the public long term care insurance systems. Germany and the Netherlands have the public long term care insurances plans which were started in 1994. In Germany and the Netherlands, the governments have encouraged family care by providing the family with care subsidies, which has helped to cut care expenses government funded by half. This system has been working well until recently, however, a problem has arisen. Germany now has fewer young people and a higher number of older people, who are in need of long term care. According to the 1999 preliminary report of the German Federal Insurance Agency, expenses exceeded revenues from insurance premiums, resulting in approximately a DM 1 billion deficit.
On the other hand, in the Netherlands, as well as Japan, the government is now trying the relieve families of the burden of long term care by encouraging the use of professional caretakers from public insurances or private companies. As a result, the expenses for these caretakers accounts for 5% of GDP. In France, health care is considered to be part of the welfare system, while in the US is considered to be a part of the medical system.
In reality, each country has its only financial problems.