臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.12(4)

特集名 臨床検査値から栄養管理への展開
題名 水・Na代謝異常とその栄養学的対策
発刊年月 2001年 11月
著者 臼井 昭子 東京家政大学家政学部栄養学科
【 要旨 】 透析療法は生体の腎機能を完全に代行していないので,水や電解質など適切な食事管理を行わないかぎり,透析療法の効果を高め,合併症を予防し,良好な体調を保持することは期待できない.
Theme Expanding Clinical Experimental Findings for Nutritional Management
Title Abnormal metabolism of water and sodium and nutrition-based counter measures
Author Akiko Usui Department of Nutrition, Tokyo Kasei University
[ Summary ] Dialysis treatment does not completely replace all the functions of the kidney in the living body. Therefore, we cannot expect to enhance the effects of dialysis, prevent related disorders or maintain good physical condition unless we engage in suitable dietary management such as the regulation of fluids and electrolytes.
In order to perform proper fluid management, it is necessary to make detailed checks such as watching for body weight increases and monitoring salt intake while the patient is undergoing dialysis.
It is quite difficult to sustain severe dietary restrictions and proper dietary management over a prolonged period, but it is important to be fully aware of the condition of the body and to apply appropriate dietary therapy.