臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.11(3-2)

特集名 透析チームの育成
題名 透析室ナースの育成 (2) 卒後教育 a.総合病院の場合
発刊年月 2001年 10月
著者 岩永 喜久子 長崎大学医学部附属病院腎疾患治療部・看護婦
【 要旨 】 卒後教育は透析看護にとって大変重要な役割を果たしている.本稿では,総合病院のなかで国立大学病院をとりあげ,透析室ナースの卒後教育について述べる.大学病院で透析を受けている患者は,数は少ないがハイリスクの患者たちである.その看護には高度な知識と技術,速やかな対応が要求される.
Theme The Upbringing of the Dialysis Team
Title The post graduate education in the general hospital
Author Kikuko Iwanaga Department of Nursing, Nagasaki University Hospital Renal Care Unit
[ Summary ] Postgraduate education plays an important role in dialysis nursing in general hospitals. In this article, post graduate education in national university hospitals is discussed. Most hemodialysis patients in university hospitals are high risk patients. A high degree of knowledge and highly developed skills are requested for nephrology nursing.
The hemodialysis unit is a kind of central service in university hospitals. The mean number of the hemodialysis was performed was over 1,905 each year and the mean number of full time nurses is 2.1 in bugeted national university hospitals. Each nurse must take care of 2 to 15 hemodialysis patients including serious cases. The duty of nurses is usually not only on daily shifts but also night shifts in case of needing emergency hemodialysis.
Postgraduate education is not adequate in university hospitals at the present time. The author will refer to the present condition and the direction for the future of nephrology nursing in university hospitals.