臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.11(2-5)

特集名 透析チームの育成
題名 透析室における専門スタッフの育成 (5) 透析にたずさわるMSWの育成
発刊年月 2001年 10月
著者 白石 純子 横浜第一病院・医療ソーシャルワーカー
【 要旨 】 医療ソーシャルワーカー(MSW)は,今日の状況変化のもとでより専門的な役割が求められている.その理由は,透析患者の数が増えているだけではなく,患者や家族の状況がより複雑化していることであり,このような患者のニーズに応えるためには医療スタッフ間の連携の必要性が強まっているからである.
Theme The Upbringing of the Dialysis Team
Title Training of medical social workers in dialysis facilities
Author Junko Shiraishi Yokohama Dai-Ichi Hospital/Medical Social Worker
[ Summary ] Medical social workers (MSW) are increasingly required to fulfill more specialized rolls when carrying out their jobs, in the changing conditions of today. Because dialysis patients are not only increasing in terms of numbers but also because the conditions of patients have become more complicated, including relationships with families, and medical staff members' cooperation, it has become more of a necessity to respond to these patients' special needs.
The jobs of MSW are based on concepts of social welfare disciplines. Owing to improvements in their abilities and their acceptance as full-fledged specialists, MSW in dialysis facilities are seen as necessary in creating mutual understanding between patients, their families, and also cooperation with other medical staff members.
At the same time, a continuing devotion to education is very important for MSW, in order to formulate procedures for the daily work and to obtain new information about social resources, and casework methods.