臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.11(2-1)

特集名 透析チームの育成
題名 透析室における専門スタッフの育成 (1) 透析専門医師の育成
発刊年月 2001年 10月
著者 伊丹 儀友 日鋼記念病院腎センター
著者 大平 整爾 日鋼記念病院腎センター
【 要旨 】 透析専門医の役割は透析導入となった患者のみを診るのではなく,透析前から腎移植までの知識と経験が必要な医師と変わりつつある.また,急性腎不全では集中治療医とともに持続的浄化法を管理することも必要になってきた.高齢者と糖尿病からの透析患者が増加しており,血液透析に不可欠なblood accessのトラブルが増加してきており,透析専門医の積極的な関与が必要となってきた.透析医は,透析に関わるすべての医療を充実拡大させていくdynamicな医療分野の中心的存在であることを若手医師に伝えたい.
Theme The Upbringing of the Dialysis Team
Title The development of a dialysis physician
Author Noritomo Itami Kidney Center, Nikko Memorial Hospital
Author Seiji Ohira Kidney Center, Nikko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] The role of the dialysis physician is not limited to seeing those patients who will undergo dialysis treatment, but is changing, requiring a physician with the knowledge and experience to care for the patient before the initiation of dialysis up until the time of a kidney transplant. In the case of acute renal failure, it has become necessary to work together with the intensive care physician to oversee a continuous purification method. With the increasing number of elderly and diabetic patients requiring dialysis and the increase in difficulties in maintaining blood access necessary for hemodialysis, the active involvement of the dialysis physician has become a necessity. I would like to communicate to the younger physicians that the dialysis physician is at the center of a dynamic medical field dedicated to fulfilling and enlarging all medicine related to dialysis.