臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.11(1-2)

特集名 透析チームの育成
題名 総論 (2) 透析室におけるチーム医療
発刊年月 2001年 10月
著者 前田 貞亮 前田記念腎研究所
【 要旨 】 チーム医療の本質は,透析医療スタッフが,各々専門職としての役割を自覚し,連帯感と責任を認識することである.その根本はまず医師の考え方の変革から発しなければならない.医師は,他の専門医療資格者と同等であることの認識が大切である.そのうえでチームをまとめる力量をもたねばならない.第二に医師を含むスタッフが日常社会人としての常識を身につけることからはじめるべきであり,常に他人のことを意識した生活習慣を心掛ける.第三に自分の責任を果たすことである.それは他人への責任の転嫁や,言い訳をなくすことである.第四に教養を身につけることである.患者に対して,同僚に対して,心豊かな人間性こそチーム医療の根本である.真のプロ意識というのは,これらを総合したものと考える.それが人間としての患者を総合的に看ることができるものと考える.
Theme The Upbringing of the Dialysis Team
Title Medical treatment by dialysis team
Author Teiryo Maeda Maeda Institute of Renal Research
[ Summary ] The essence of overall treatment by medical teams is that each medical staff member should be conscious of their role, in relation to their professional status and recognize their own responsibilities.
The first step in this process is to change the thinking and behavior of doctors especially in terms of considering all medical team members as equal medical professionals.
Secondly, if doctors are to be considered to be competent professionals, they must develop the ability to manage their team, as well as being physicians. Each team member must acquire the habit of using common sense in the treatment of those around team, in their daily routines.
A third point is that all team members must not shift their responsibilities.
The fourth point is that medical staff members must cultivate a warm, caring attitude toward their patients and co-workers. The essence of team medical treatment should be carried out through a conscious effort at professional behavior, which can produce uniform humane care for patients. That is, treatment for patients as whole humanbeings.