臨牀透析 Vol.17 No.10(2-1)

特集名 透析患者における心・血管系合併症と対策
題名 透析者における心・血管系合併症 (1) 心不全・透析心
発刊年月 2001年 09月
著者 太田 眞 東京慈恵会医科大学附属青戸病院中央検査部
【 要旨 】 透析患者の多くは拡張障害と前負荷が全面に出るいわゆる潜在的慢性心不全状態と考えられ,長年にわたり透析患者の死亡原因の第1位が「心不全」で独占されていることがそのことを物語っている.その中の難治性心不全の原因のー型として「透析心」が提唱された.拡張型心筋症(DCM)の概念の変遷に伴い尿毒症性心筋症とは一線をおいた「透析心」は,安定透析を維持するうえで臨床上重要な症候群である.心不全については虚血性心疾患および弁膜疾患が原因の場合は,透析患者の特徴を理解すれば非透析患者と同様の方針で治療戦略自体は比較的容易である.しかし,除外診断がもっとも大切な「透析心」においては,腎移植がきわめて有効な治療法のーつと現在のところ考えられている.
Theme Management of Cardio-vascular Complication in Hemodialysis Patient
Title Heart failure (Dialysis heart)
Author Makoto Ota Clinical Laboratory, The Jikel University Aoto Hospital
[ Summary ] Many dialysis patients are thought to be in a state of latent chronic heart failure, mainly arising from diastolic dysfunction and preload. This is reflected in the fact that "heart failure" has long ranked first among causes of dialysis patient death.
"Dialysis heart" has been proposed as a cause of refractory heart failure. The concept of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) has changed, and "dialysis heart" distinguished from uremic cardiomyopathy is a clinically important syndrome which will influence how a stable dialysis operation is maintained. For heart failure due to ischemic heart diseases or vaslcular heart diseases, the therapeutic approach itself is relatively straightforward as the same policy used in non-dialysis patients can be applied, once the particular characteristics of a dialysis patient are understood. However, renal transplantation is currently considered to be a significant and effective treatment for "dialysis heart", in which it is most important that diagnosis by exclusion be carried out.