臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.9(4-1)

特集名 ブラッドアクセス
題名 ブラッドアクセス修復の手技 (1) 手術的方法
発刊年月 2000年 07月
著者 千葉 哲男 横浜第一病院泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 十分に機能しないブラッドアクセス,静脈高血圧,スチール症候群,動静脈瘤,感染はシャント作製術後に多くみられる合併症である.過去12年間に1,592例のブラッドアクセスの修復や再建術が当院において行われた.静脈高血圧やスチール症候群ではシャント過剰血流を減少させるために吻合部修復や人工血管シートを用いてのバンディング術が行われた.
Theme Blood Access for Chronic Hemodialysis Therapy -- The Present Problems and New Developments
Title Techniques for improvement of blood access -- Surgical procedure
Author Tetsuo Chiba Department of Urology, Yokohama Dai-ichi Hospital
[ Summary ] Poorly functioning blood access, venous hypertension steal syndrome, pseudoaneurysms, and infections are significant postoperative complications after BA surgery.
From January 1998 to December 1999, 1,592 cases required surgical repair or reconstruction at our hospital.
In cases of venous hypertension or arterial steal, revision and banding using grafted sheets at the anastomosis site, were done to reduce AV overflow. However, fifteen cases (65.2%) required closure of the AV-fistula due to peripheral ischemic phenomenon. When an AV aneurysm is associated with infection, thrombo-embolism or taut skin, emergent surgery should be done, not only to prevent rupture or hemorrhage, but also to preserve blood access for further hemodialysis.
Localized graft infections may be avoided in the involved area with the interposition of grafts. The infected portion of the graft may then be excised.