臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.7(4)

特集名 透析患者の長期予後とリスクファクター
題名 脳・末梢血管障害
発刊年月 2000年 06月
著者 西田 秀美 久留米大学医学部腎臓内科
著者 藤野 隆之 久留米大学医学部外科学
著者 奥田 誠也 久留米大学医学部腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者では動脈硬化症が同世代の健常者に比較して高度である.このため透析患者の動脈硬化進展を予防することと,心・血管合併症の早期治療が重要になってくる.透析患者の動脈硬化病変としての脳血管障害では,脳出血が頻度が高く,大脳基底核領域がもっとも多く高血圧の関与が大きい.また,クモ膜下出血や硬膜下出血も正常人と比して頻度が高く,予後も悪いが,それには抗凝固薬の役割が大きいと思われる.脳梗塞の頻度は正常者と比較して低いとされるが,高齢者や主幹動脈に病変のある患者では,透析時と透析後の急激な血圧低下で脳虚血を増悪させる可能性があり注意が必要である.また長期透析例では,カルシウム代謝異常による血管壁の石灰化や高度の末梢血管の硬化性閉塞をきたす.とくに糖尿病性腎症では著明であるが,感染の予防や手術適応選択が重要となってくる.
Theme Risk Factors and Outcome on Long-term Dialysis
Title Cerebral and peripheral vascular disease in hemodialysis patients
Author Hidemi Nishida Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Takayuki Fujino Department of Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Seiya Okuda Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Atherosclerotic vascular lesions have been reported to be more frequent in hemodialysis patients as compared to the age-matched general population. Therefore, it is important for dialysis patients to prevent and treat cerebral or peripheral vascular diseases, associated with the development of atherosclerosis in dialysis patients. Cerebral bleeding is most common in cerebral vascular disease in HD patients. Hypertension may also play an important role for this accident. Subarachinoidal hemorrhage and subdural hemorrhage also more frequently occur in HD patients, compared to normal subjects. The prognosis for these patients is poor, probably due to the usage of anti-coagulant agents. Acute drops in blood pressure during or after HD sessions should be avoided in HD patients who have stenotic vascular lesions, because the drop may aggravate cerebral ischemia. Metabolic disorders of calcium may contribute to the calcification of vascular walls, which results in severe stenosis of the peripheral arteries in long-term HD patients. The prevention of infection and the correct choice of surgical therapy are important for the management of peripheral vascular disease in diabetic HD patients.