臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.7(10)

特集名 透析患者の長期予後とリスクファクター
題名 精神科医の立場からみたリスクファクター
発刊年月 2000年 06月
著者 佐藤 喜一郎 北里大学医学部精神科
【 要旨 】 筆者は透析患者の予後に関してのハイリスクの要因についての証拠をまだ見たことがない.糖尿病や心疾患患者などの大規模なコホート調査が行われ, リスクファクターについての研究が行われているが,透析患者に限った調査・研究はなかった.
Theme Risk Factors and Outcome on Long-term Dialysis
Title Risk factors for dialysis patient's prognosis from a psychiatric viewpoint
Author Kiichirou Sato Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Kitasato Unversity
[ Summary ] The author has seen no evidence of high-risk factors concerning with dialysis patient's life prognosis.
From clinical experiences in psycho-nephrology and some studies of older patients with chronic diseases, the author considers that the delirium of older patients, prolonged depression of older patients, eyesight disturbances and difficulty in performing routine work and daily tools are possible risk factors. Delirium is a symptom of decreasing physical functioning and the most possible factor in older patients. The depression is related to lonely and helpless life. The other signes are a general decrease in quality of life along with a will to fight their disease and a decrease in immunological functions.