臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.6(1)

特集名 再検証:ダイアライザ
題名 ダイアライザ開発の歴史
発刊年月 2000年 05月
著者 越川 昭三 昭和大学藤が丘病院内科
【 要旨 】 人工膜による血液浄化法を最初に動物に施行したのはAbel(1913年),最初にヒトに施行したのはHaas(1924年),最初に急性腎不全患者の救命に成功したのはKolff(1945年),慢性腎不全の治療に最初に成功したのはScribnerら(1960年)であった.ダイアライザのデザインはチューブ型,コイル型,積層型,中空糸型と進化し,膜は初期のセルロース系の膜に始まり,近年多種の合成高分子膜が作られるに至った.性能と同時に生体適合性も向上し,透析患者の合併症減少・生存率の向上に寄与している.ダイアライザの進化は新しい技法を生み,今後も変化と発展をとげることが予想される.
Theme Current Topics in Hemodialyzers
Title The development of dialyzer
Author Shozo Koshikawa Department of Medicine, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital
[ Summary ] The first hemodialysis system was developed by Abel in 1913. The first human trial of an artificial kidney was performed by Haas in 1924. The first successful hemodialysis to save the life of a patient with ARF was performed by Kolff in 1945. The first successful use of dialysis for a chronic condition was brought about by Scribner in 1960. The original design for dialyzers was the tube-type. Next a coil-type was used, then a plate-type, and finally a hollow-fiber type. The dialyzer membranes were made of cellulose at their inception. Later many synthetic polymer membranes were developed. The advances in dialyzer efficacy have created many novel hemodialysis techniques, and we will continue to see many developments in this field.