臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.5(8)

特集名 透析患者のるいそう
題名 CAPDはるいそうを阻止できるか
発刊年月 2000年 04月
著者 山本 裕康 東京慈恵会医科大学内科学講座第2
【 要旨 】 蛋白エネルギー栄養障害は慢性腎不全患者の予後に対して重大な影響を与えるが,多くの維持透析患者が低栄養状態にあり,CAPDにおいても同様である.CAPDでは大量のブドウ糖が経腹膜的に吸収されるが,蛋白質・エネルギー摂取量は推奨値よりも少ない.CAPDの栄養障害を改善させるためには,まず十分な透析量を処方すべきであり,さらに栄養状態を評価し,蛋白摂取を促すことが重要である.これらにて効果が認められない場合には,ほかの補助療法や血液透析への移行も考慮すべきである.
Theme Emaciation in Chronic Dialysis Patients
Title May CAPD therapy improve the condition of malnourished patients?
Author Hiroyasu Yamamoto Department of Internal Medicine II, The Jikei University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Protein-energy malnutrition is one of critical risk factors for morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic renal failure. Several reports have shown a high prevalence of malnutrition in CAPD patients. The daily energy and protein intake is less than that recommended for CAPD patients, in spite of an additional supply of energy provided through peritoneal glucose absorption. In order to prevent these problems and improve the condition of malnourished CAPD patients, dialysis dose should be adjusted to the adequacy of dialysis. It is important to monitor the nutritional status and recommend increased protein intake. On the other hand, if there are signs that nutritional status is deteriorating despite these efforts, other supportive care and transfer to hemodialysis should be considered.