臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.5(2)

特集名 透析患者のるいそう
題名 慢性腎不全の栄養評価を何で行うか
発刊年月 2000年 04月
著者 前田 貞亮 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック
著者 外間 文子 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック・管理栄養士
著者 福内 史子 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック
著者 青山 節子 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック・看護婦
著者 水沼 隆典 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 一般に,るいそうはやせていて,かつ栄養状態が悪いものであるが,スポーツ選手などのようにやせていても,活動能力も高く,栄養状態が良い例は多い.透析患者においても同様に,やせていて栄養状態が悪そうにみえても活動能力の高い患者が大勢いる.
栄養を評価する際に重要なことは,早期に栄養障害を発見し,適切な治療を行うことであり,そのためにactivities of daily living (ADL) を加味し,総合的な評価を行った.結果,ADLを加味した総合評価スケールの点数の良好群は不良群に比較し,生化学検査において栄養状態が良いという傾向がみられた.総合評価スケールは栄養状態を判定する指標になると考えられる.
Theme Emaciation in Chronic Dialysis Patients
Title How should nutritional status be evaluated in dialysis patients?
Author Teiryo Maeda Maeda Institute of Renal Resarch
Author Ayako Hokama Maeda Institute of Renal Resarch
Author Fumiko Fukuuchi Maeda Institute of Renal Resarch
Author Setsuko Aoyama Maeda Institute of Renal Resarch
Author Takanori Mizunuma Maeda Institute of Renal Resarch
[ Summary ] Generally, the word emaciation means low body weight is associated with malnutriton. However, there are exceptions, such as healthy persons who are lean but not suffering from malnutrition, like a professional sportsperson. Also among dialysis patients, there are many who lean and seem to be malnutritished but stay highly active without ill effects. In this means, ADL (activities of daily living) is concerned with nutritional status.
It is important for clinicians to diagnose malnutrition at an early stage and apply the adequate therapy. To assess the early stages of nutritional disturbances, we formulated "The total nutritional assessment scale". The assessment of ADL was added into this scale. The assessment of nutritonal status was performed using this scale. The highest scoring group from this scale showed better results in their blood chemistries than the lowest scoring group. The total nutritional assessment scale is an effective method to evaluate nutritional status. The addition of the ADL assessment is useful in knowing the ability for activity and social functionality of patients. Through this method, we can find an individual approach to successful nutritional intervention.