臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.5(1)

特集名 透析患者のるいそう
題名 栄養学からみた肥満とやせ
発刊年月 2000年 04月
著者 鈴木 好夫 大妻女子大学家政学部
【 要旨 】 栄養の質的効果と栄養アセスメントの重要性が指摘されている.栄養所要量は栄養欠乏症予防を主眼として決められているが,第6次改定から栄養過剰も考慮されている.生活習慣病という考えが導入され,肥満とやせは病気と関連づけられるようになった.肥満とは身体に本来ある脂肪が過剰にある状態をいう.BMI22を示す体重がもっとも罹病率が低く,標準体重=身長(m)2×22が提案されている.日本肥満学会(1999年)で生活習慣病の合併危険率が2倍になるBMI25以上を肥満とする発表がされた.やせは肥満の反対ではなく,体脂肪だけでなく体蛋白質の喪失すなわち栄養障害がある.
Theme Emaciation in Chronic Dialysis Patients
Title Nutritional prospectives on obesity and leanness
Author Yoshio Suzuki Otsuma Women's University, Faculty of Home Economics
[ Summary ] The importance of nutritional quality and nutritional assessment has been pointed out. The Recommended Dietary Allowances of nutrients used to be determined chiefly for the prevention of nutritional deficiencies, but its recent (6th) revision has incorporated provisions for excess intake. With the introduction of the concept of lifestyle-related diseases, obesity and leanness have come to be linked to diseases. Obesity is defined as an excess level of adipose tissue in the body. The lowest incidence of diseases is associated with a BMI value of 22, and the ideal body weight (kg) is expressed as height (m)2x22. In 1999, the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity, defined obesity as a BMI value 25 or higher, which would double the risk of lifestyle-related diseases. Leanness is not simply the oposite of obesity. It is associated with loss of not only body fat, but also body protein, i.e., associated with nutritional disorders.