臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.4(7-2)

特集名 透析看護におけるエキスパートナースを目指して
題名 私の考えるエキスパートナースとは (2) エキスパートナースの実現に向けて
発刊年月 2000年 03月
著者 松橋 ひろ子 JA篠ノ井総合病院人工腎センター・看護婦
【 要旨 】 エキスパートナースに求められるものは,透析看護に必要な基本のうえにアセスメント能力の強化・観察からの実践能力と,患者との相互関係のなかで看護者としての哲学をもつこと,日々の看護を漫然と行うのではなく,透析医療チームの一員として質の高いケアを提供し,その看護内容を明らかにすることである.そうした看護実践能力の向上には主体的な行動が求められる.さらに安定した看護の提供は,透析者とチームからの評価が得られる.
Theme Aspire to Be Expert Nurse in Dialysis Nursing
Title Toward becoming an expert nurse on dialytic treatment : A personal view of the prerequisites for an expert nurse in the context of the workplace
Author Hiroko Matsuhashi Department of Nursing,Shinonoi Generel Hospital
[ Summary ] The gualities needed for expert nursing care are : 1) an enhanced ability of assessment what needs to be added to the basics of dialytic treatment, 2) an ability to take the proper actions upon observation, and 3) a steadfast personal philosophy as a nurse, which is achieved through a close relationship with patients.
First, an expert nurse must not give daily nursing care aimlessly. On the contrary, she must, through individual problem-solving abilities, come to be able to make the best of her own experience and knowledge.
Secondly, she must provide a high level of care, as she works as a member of a dialytic treatment team, in all nursing information is shared.
Thirdly, she must be responsible for any judgement and care that she gives as an expert.
Only when above three criteria are met do both those who receive dialysis and the other members of the team give an expert nurse value. Overall, given the fact that aged patients with complications account for a high of the total number of those who receive dialytic treatment, an expert nurse is expected to take a responsible approach in giving treatment, while respecting the dignity and basic human rights of patients.