臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.4(1-1)

特集名 透析看護におけるエキスパートナースを目指して
題名 エキスパートナースを必要とする理由 (1) 看護管理者として
発刊年月 2000年 03月
著者 小島 恭子 北里大学病院・看護婦
【 要旨 】 医療技術の高度化,複雑化,看護を提供する場の拡大に伴って,安全で適切な看護を提供するために専門看護婦の存在は不可欠である.それに対応するために北里大学病院,北里大学東病院,北里大学看護学部・大学院看護学研究科との連携をはかり北里専門看護婦システム検討会(共同プロジェクト)を組織し,専門看護婦の育成を行ってきた.現在,がん看護専門看護師(OCNS),救急看護認定看護師,創傷・オストミー・失禁看護(WOC看護)認定看護師,北里専門看護婦(循環器看護,神経難病看護,感染看護)たちが活動をしており,困難な問題が改善されたり,看護の質に変化がみられている.また,看護婦のキャリア開発促進や,医療現場が必要としている看護に対応するため,また,看護の質の向上のためにも専門看護婦の果たす役割は大きい.今後はさらに人材を育成し,専門看護の領域を増やしていきたいと考える.
Theme Aspire to Be Expert Nurse in Dialysis Nursing
Title Why is the expert nurse needed?
Author Kyoko Kojima Department of Nursing, Kitazato University Hospital
[ Summary ] Medical technology has become highly technical and complicated. As a result, the role of nursing has expanded to insure patient safety, while proper nursing practice by expert nurses is seen to be indispensable.
To meet this challenge, a joint project was organized by Kitasato university hospital, Kitasato university East hospital, Kitasato university School of Nursing, and the Post-graduate School of nursing have created a training program for expert nursing.
Presently, the activities of oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist (OCNS), Emergency Nursing Certified Nurse (ENCN), WOC Certified Nurse. Kitasato Certified Nurse (Cardiovas cular Nursing, Neurological Nursing, Infection Control Nursing) have contributed to resolving difficult problems and have made improvements in quality of nursing.
The career development of nurses will be developed to meet the needs of on-site medical situations. To increase the quality of nursing practices, the expert nurse's role is extremely important.
In the near future, it is planned that more staff members will be trained and the numbers of those in the field of the expert nurse will increase.