臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.13(6)

特集名 透析患者の栄養と食事の選択 -- 食品・外食・中食・宅配食
題名 中食の栄養と問題点
発刊年月 2000年 11月
著者 宮本 佳代子 自治医科大学附属病院栄養部
【 要旨 】 中食という食事の様式は,近年,急速に増加してきている.この傾向は,社会生活の変化に伴うもので,最近発表された「健康日本21(厚生省)」でも,厚生省・農水省・文部省が合同で作成した「食生活指針」においても,この傾向を是認して,より健康な食生活への提言をしている.
Theme Nutrition for Hemodialysis Patients and Their Choice of Foods -- Foods, Eating Out, Delicatessen, Deliveries
Title Nutrition and problem of takeout meals
Author Kayoko Miyamoto Department of Nutrition and Food Service, Jichi Medical School
[ Summary ] In recent years, the number of people eating "takeout meals" has increased. According to the reports, "The Health Japan 21 (Ministry of Health & Welfare)" and "The Guide to Eating Habit" written recently by the joint meeting of three related ministries of Japan, this tendency was approved of but they proposed healthier eating habits.
Many patients being on diet therapy want to have more "takeout meals" because of their convenience in relationship to changes in their life styles. They are getting food at convenience stores, super markets, and stores with deliverly service, besides special food approved by doctors.
In these situations, dietitians should know the nutritional elements of food sold at these stores, and guide patients in eating in these food properly in relation to their diet therapy.