臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.13(5)

特集名 透析患者の栄養と食事の選択 -- 食品・外食・中食・宅配食
題名 外食の栄養と問題点
発刊年月 2000年 11月
著者 外間 文子 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック・管理栄養士
著者 福内 史子 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック内科
著者 前田 貞亮 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者にとって外食をすることの問題点は,食事のコントロールが乱れることにより,体重やカリウム,リン値などの管理不良につながることにある.しかし,当院通院透析患者の68%(40%の週2~毎日を含め)が月に定期的に外食をする状態の今日,上手に外食を取り入れることが大切であり,QOLの向上にもつながる.
外食を上手に取り入れるための注意点として, 1日1食以内にすること,また,単身者などはなじみの店をつくりあらかじめ減塩食を依頼することが基本となる.塩分やカリウム,リンなどの各栄養成分について具体的な方法としては,(1) ラーメンなど麺類の汁を残す,(2) 醤油,ソースなど塩分の多い調味料は使わずにレモン,辛子,わさびなど香辛料を利用する,(3) 食べ過ぎないなどに注意することが大切である.
Theme Nutrition for Hemodialysis Patients and Their Choice of Foods -- Foods, Eating Out, Delicatessen, Deliveries
Title Dialysis patients ; Eating out and diet therapy
Author Ayako Hokama Maeda Institute of Renal Resarch
Author Fumiko Fukuuchi Maeda Institute of Renal Resarch
Author Teiryo Maeda Maeda Institute of Renal Resarch
[ Summary ] For dialysis patients, eating in restaurants can sometimes contribute to the disruption of diet therapy (affecting weight, and potassium and phosphate levels). None the less, the percentage of dialysis patients who eat out constantly is not low and has increased recently. In our research, 68% of dialysis patients (40% of dialysis patients eat of twice a week) ate out at least twice a month. At the present time, eating out is common for dialysis patients and we must consider ways of providing diet therapy for patients who dine out, in an effort to improve their quality of life.
In order to receive diet therapy along with eating out, it must first be noted that it is detter eat out less than once a day. It is better, especially for single men who don't like cooking and regularly eat out, to if possible, find a familiar restaurant which can provide special services such as low salt menus. In order for patients to receive adequate quantities of salt, potassium, and phosphate, the following are recommended; 1. Don't drink soups, eat only the noodles. 2. Utilize lemon, spices, horseradish etc. without using soy sauce or other sauces. 3. Reduce consumption.
It is important for one to make a habit of having an adequate diet. To reinforce this habit, it is necessary to advise patients about eating and taking medication on an ongoing basis.