臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.13(4)

特集名 透析患者の栄養と食事の選択 -- 食品・外食・中食・宅配食
題名 食生活の多様化
発刊年月 2000年 11月
著者 臼井 昭子 東京家政大学家政学部栄養学科
【 要旨 】 日本人の食生活は1950年後半以後,大きく変化してきたが,ここ30年間の特徴は従来の日本型の食事をとる一方で,欧米的要素が調理面にも多様に取り入れられ,和洋中と世界各国混在のにぎやかな食生活となった.さらに加工,冷凍といった技術の発達と,女性の社会進出,核家族化,一人暮らしの増加など社会情勢の変化と相俟って,食事づくりの簡便化,外部化が進んだことである.なかでも24時間営業のコンビニエンスストアが誕生したことは,弁当や既成の惣菜など,調理済み食品を持ち帰ってすぐに食べるといった食生活の変化となり,食事時間まで変える結果となっている.
Theme Nutrition for Hemodialysis Patients and Their Choice of Foods -- Foods, Eating Out, Delicatessen, Deliveries
Title Variety of life styles in diet
Author Akiko Usui Department of Nutrition, Tokyo Kasei University
[ Summary ] The Japanese diet has changed considerably since the late 1950's. In the past 30 years, even though traditional Japanese foods have continued to be consumed, various Western elements have been incorporated, and the Japanese diet has turned into a colorful mixture of native, Western, Chinese and other foods.
Furthermore, with the development of technologies for processing and freezing food and changes in our society, such as advances of women in the workplace, the rise of the nuclear family and the increase in the number of single-person households, easier ways of cooking have been developed. People are also generally eating out more frequently.
In particular, the appearance of 24-hour convenience stores has resulted in people buying lunch boxes or pre-cooked meals and eating them immediately upon arriving home. This has even led to changes in meal schedules.
These changes are convenient, but on the other hand they have brought about problems with safety and nutritional imbalances from long-term consumption and concerns about the effects on health, caused by excessive salt and fat intake. There is a need to recognize that this is also true of dialysis patients and toformulate ways of dealing with the situation.