臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.13(3)

特集名 透析患者の栄養と食事の選択 -- 食品・外食・中食・宅配食
題名 食品の栄養成分表示 -- 基準制度の現状と課題
発刊年月 2000年 11月
著者 大江 秀夫 北里大学保健衛生専門学院臨床栄養科
【 要旨 】 わが国の栄養表示基準制度の創設について,その背景・導入経緯と課題を探った.
Theme Nutrition for Hemodialysis Patients and Their Choice of Foods -- Foods, Eating Out, Delicatessen, Deliveries
Title Regulation of nutritional labeling of food related to present institutional standards
Author Hideo Ooe Kitasato Junior College of Health and Hygienic Sciences
[ Summary ] The background/introduction process for nutritional labeling standards in this country was investigated.In this county, some nutritional labeling has been done by corporations. However, from the viewpoint of the consumer, we may ask "Are these labeling standards more in favor of the producers ?" or "should we doubt the accuracy of the indicated values?". The necessity has arisen for international labeling standards, to take into account the different methods and processes used to compute the nutritional information.
This must be done so that there is a concrete understanding of these labels problems encounterd after the introduction of nutritional labeling and with methods for its application were discussed, as well as methods for the future distribution of this information.