臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.12(8)

特集名 超高齢化時代の透析看護
題名 超高齢透析患者の社会支援体制
発刊年月 2000年 10月
著者 木川田 典彌 医療法人勝久会 / 社会福祉法人大洋会 / 社会福祉法人典人会 / 医療法人フジサワ会
【 要旨 】 超高齢透析患者の管理は大きく分けて三つに分類される.そのーは患者に対して医療を提供するcureの部分であり,その二は患者に看護・介護を提供するcareであり,その三は患者に社会資源を提供し,活用させるserviceである.
Theme Degree of Dialysis Nursing Care for Old-old Population is Growing Rapidly
Title Social service systems for elderly (old old) hemodialysis patients
Author Noriya Kikawada Shokyu-Kai and Funisawa Clinic Foundations, Tenjin-Kais and Taiyo-Kai Social Welfare Foundations
[ Summary ] We can sort the care of the elderly hemodialysis patients into three categories ; The first is to cure patients, the second is nursing and other care for them, and the third is service, which can supply them with useful social resources.
The most important thing in curing elderly dialysis patients is to know the reserve capacity of their internal organs. Even if the data gathered from clinical inspection is in the normal range, the reserve capacity of their internal organs may be falling. Therefore we must consider methods of treatment, conditions and opportunities to treat dialysis patients with great care. Needless to say many elderly dialysis patients may take a turn for the worse. It would be unfortunate if any opportunities to treat them were lost.
This is a report on the needs of, and service for elderly patients receiving hemodialysis.