臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.12(2)

特集名 超高齢化時代の透析看護
題名 超高齢患者の透析導入・非導入・中止
発刊年月 2000年 10月
著者 大平 整爾 日鋼記念病院外科・腎センター
【 要旨 】 透析療法の導入・非導入・中止の可否は基盤となる患者の自己決定権を尊重し,患者の意思が最優先されるべきである.高齢者・超高齢者は腎不全以外にも種々の合併症と主要臓器機能低下をもつ可能性が高いが,個人格差も大である.その施行には困難を伴う場合が少なくないが,暦年齢のみで透析開始の可否は判定しえない.人は「生きる権利」とともに,「死する権利」を有するものである.
Theme Degree of Dialysis Nursing Care for Old-old Population is Growing Rapidly
Title Dialysis therapy for old-old patients Initiation, non-initiation and discontinuation
Author Seiji Ohira Department of Surgery, Kidney Center, Nikko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] Initiation, non-initiation and discontinuation of dialysis therapy should be determined with respect for the patient's will (right of self-determination). It is true that old and old-old people are apt to show multiple comorbidities and dysfunction of vital organs, but there exist large individual differences.
Performing dialysis for the senile is often accompanied by difficulties, however, one cannot judge only by calendar-age whether or not the patient should undergo dialysis therapy. One has the right to live and also the right to die. But the latter sometimes becomes the duty to die. "The duty to die" if it comes from self-determination, it must be autonomous and not be forced. The senile should be unhesitantly referred to dialysis therapy if there are proper medical indications, his/her own acceptance and expectation of improving ADL and QOL. The existence of an advance directive is hoped for, and the number of persons preparing them will increase in the near future. But until that time, we will be unable to shirk situations necessitating surrogate decisions.