臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.10(9)

特集名 透析患者とリエゾン精神医学
題名 医療スタッフへの迷惑行為とトラブル
発刊年月 2000年 08月
著者 荒木 志朗 九州工業大学保健センター
著者 荒木 奈々恵 北九州津屋崎病院内科
【 要旨 】 透析現場には,患者による医療スタッフへの些細な迷惑行為が日常的に存在する.迷惑行為は,スタッフ側の視点から三つに分類される.(1) 業務に支障をきたす迷惑行為(身勝手な行為など),(2) スタッフ個人への迷惑行為(陰性感情・陽性感情の表出),(3) 心の傷など,患者の側に問題がある場合である.患者の迷惑行為にスタッフが反応すると,患者-スタッフ問に相互作用が生じ,口論やトラブルに発展する.
Theme Dialysis Patient and Liaison Psychiatry
Title Troublesome behaviors toward the staff members by dialysis patients
Author Shiroh Araki Center for Student Health, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Author Nanae Araki Kitakyushu Tsuyazaki Hospital
[ Summary ] In dialysis institutes, many trivial trivial troublesome behaviors toward the staff members by patients are observed daily. Troublesome behaviors can be classified into three categories from the viewpoint on the side of the staff. They are (1) troublesome behaviors that disturb the working procedures (selfish behavior by patients. etc.), (2) troublesome behaviors that are targeted at specific staff members (the expression of negative or positive feelings toward staff members) and (3) troublesome behaviors by patients with personality problems, such as psychic trauma. If a staff member reacts unfavorably to troublesome behaviors by patients, the interaction between the patient and the staff may induce quarrels or other disturbances.
The consciousness of a family is existing, in both of dialysis patients and staff members, in the background where troubles break out. A short tempered person who cannot wait his or her turn has a fear of being abandoned. When he feels rejected by a staff member, he may cry wildly or threaten the staff member with violence by acting out his aggressions. In such cases the staff member should tell the patient the feelig of the self as a help person sincerely. We present some remarks on the art of avoiding troubles and coping with disturbances.