臨牀透析 Vol.16 No.10(5)

特集名 透析患者とリエゾン精神医学
題名 結婚・出産を希望する透析患者
発刊年月 2000年 08月
著者 宮本 茂子 坂井瑠実クリニック・臨床心理士
著者 坂井 瑠実 坂井瑠実クリニック内科
【 要旨 】 女性透析患者のQOLを考えるとき,女性の生理,結婚・出産の問題はなおざりにはできない.以前筆者らが行った妊娠可能な女性透析患者と出産経験者へのアンケート調査の結果から,患者の声を通して妊娠・出産や子育ての現状を把握し,精神・社会的な面から問題点を探った.約8割に生理があるが妊娠率は非常に低い.20歳代の7割,30歳代の4割が子供を望み,結婚・出産について情報を求めている.そして出産経験者の声を聞くと,妊娠期間は長期入院を要し切迫流産や頻回透析などの危険と困難が伴い,子育てには体力もいるが,何よりも変わったことは子供を持った喜びと自信が人生を前向きに変え,子供を産めないという負い目がなくなったことであった.しかしリスクも大きい.本人の強い意思と周囲の協力が欠かせないのでよく考えて決めねばならない.同じ体験をしている者同士のネットワークが求められている.
Theme Dialysis Patient and Liaison Psychiatry
Title Hemodialysis patients hoping for marriage and delivery
Author Shigeko Miyamoto Sakai Rumi Clinic
Author Rumi Sakai Sakai Rumi Clinic
[ Summary ] When we consider QOL of female hemodialysis patients, the problems of their menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth must be taken into account. We have conducted research into these issues by means of a questionnaire for female hemodialysis patients, ranging in age from twenties to their forties, who found it possible to become pregnant and give birth. The research material was designed to investigate the actual state of their pregnancies, deliveries and nursing, as well as psychological aspects of these processes. Eighty percent of the patients menstruate, but the pregnancy rate is extremely low. Seventy percent out of those in their twenties and forty percent out of those in their thirties were hoping to have children and wanted to receive detailed information on doing so. The results of the research patients who had given birth show the following. During pregnancy they had to be hospitalized for a long time and faced a great deal of difficulties, such as : the threat of abortion, daily hemodialysis, and the conflict between the hemodialysis routine and other nursing, lack of psychological stability, etc. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that their view of life changed drastically and became positive. The reason for this was the great pleasure the patients took in childcare and increased self-confidence caused by the process. They also experienced the relief from the feeling of guilt that hemodialysis patients feel at never being able to have children.
However, the successful childbirth and child-care cases among hemodialysis patients involve a high degree of risk. Therefore, if the patient is planning on pregnancy and delivery, she needs a strong will as co-operation and support from people around her. The decision to have a child must be carefully considered and made by the patient herself. Also, a network of patients with similar experiences has proven to be very helpful.