臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.9(7)

特集名 透析患者と精神科的薬物療法
題名 血液透析・CAPDの精神医学的諸問題 --治療と予防を中心に
発刊年月 1999年 08月
著者 兼子 直 弘前大学医学部神経精神科
著者 板井 貴宏 弘前大学医学部神経精神科
【 要旨 】 連続携行式腹膜透析(CAPD)は血液透析(HD)に比較し,レストレス・レッグス症候群(RLS),せん妄を含む意識障害が多いが,抑うつ,不安,心気症,不眠などの出現頻度はCAPD,HDの両者で差異はない.身体的合併症の有無,家族状況,経済状況などが精神症状の出現率に影響し,身体的合併症のない場合にもRLSが出現する.透析から逃れることができる腎移植が成功しても,時には,腎提供者,患者,家族間の葛藤が生じる.このような精神医学的問題の発症をできるだけ防止するにはHD・CAPD導入時の患者へのトレーニングだけでなく,患者をケアする家族などに対しても十分な情報の提供が重要であり,患者の抱えている問題をよく理解するためには患者の訴えに傾聴することが必要で,また,合併症出現時には積極的にそれを治療する姿勢がとくに重要となる.種々の精神・神経症状出現時には適切な診断と適正な薬物療法も必要となる.
Theme Dialysis Patients and Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy
Title Psychological problems of dialysis (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) patients -- Management and prevention
Author Sunao Kaneko Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hirosaki University
Author Takahiro Itai Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hirosaki University
[ Summary ] The advantages of CAPD include increased patient autonomy, dietary freedom, and lack of necessity forvascular access. However, CAPD patients must be motivated, intelligent, adequately trained, and possess sufficient manual dexterity and special sensory functions to follow strict sterile techniques. Additional disadvantages are peritonitis and absence of social interactions at the dialysis center.
The psychological symptoms observed in CAPD patients are the same as those seen in hemodialysis (HD) patients except for restless legs syndrome (RLS) and impairment of consciousness such as delirium. These 2 symptoms were more frequently observed in CAPD patients than in HD patients, Depression, anxiety, and hypochondriasis are most commonly seen in both CAPD and HD patients, in particular those with symptoms of physical origin and those without sufficient family and financial supports.Those who most need special care such as supportive psychotherapy, family and social intervention, and the support of medical and nursing personnel with CAPD are the elderly, and patients with inadequate social support. The advent of symptoms is strikingly affected by physical complications indicating that active medical interventions for the purpose of treatment of the complications is specifically required for the reduction or prevention of additional psychiatric symptoms. Rational drug therapy i.e. with clonazepam and/or L-DOPA for RLS, antidepressants and/or minor tranquilizers for depression or anxiety symptoms, hypochondriasis, and insomnia, antipsychotic drugs and/or mianserin for delirium, is also needed.