臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.8(9)

特集名 透析患者の骨折
題名 骨折を有する透析患者の透析技術上の留意点
発刊年月 1999年 07月
著者 小川 浩之 虎の門病院分院血液浄化療法部・臨床工学技士
著者 柴田 猛 虎の門病院分院血液浄化療法部・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 透析患者で骨折を合併した場合の透析技術上の留意点は,骨折後と骨折修復術後の透析治療に伴う出血対策にある.これには蛋白分解酵素阻害剤,低分子量ヘパリンなどの抗凝固剤の使用や,無ヘパリン透析法,血液部分再循環法などの抗凝固法の選択が重要となる.しかし,フサン(R)や少量の低分子量ヘパリンでも全血凝固時間が延長する症例があり,注意を要する.また内出血によるカリウム(K),尿素窒素(UN)などの上昇や,尿毒症物質の増加における出血傾向の増強などを考慮し,underdialysisにならないよう十分な透析治療が必要である.
Theme Bone Fracture in Patients with Renal Replacement Therapy
Title Technical management during hemodialysis therapy on patients with bone fracture
[ Summary ] The number of aged and long-term hemodialysis patients is increasing, and the number of cases with complications due to bone fractures is also increasing. In this paper we summarize technical management to avoid the risk of progression of bleeding by using heparin or anticoagulants during dialysis therapy.
The key point in management is a strategy for control of bleeding at the onset, before and/or after the operation. Technical devices and or medications are used. Partial blood circulation system on the blood circuit, non heparinization nafamostat mesilate and low molecular weight are used when there is a risk of bleeding. Whole blood coagulatuion time is lengthened under treatment with low molecular weight haparin.
Moreover, hyperpottasemia and high nitrogen value due to hamatoma and acidosis are frequently observed. Adequate dialysis therapy is nessesary to control renal failure.
On cranial bone fractures, management to prevent brain edema is important. Occasionaly, continuous dialysisis better than intermittent dialysis therapy for control of brain edema. HF (hemofiltration), CHD, CHDT and CAPD are also applied. Constant infusion of Glycerol is used during hemodialysis therapy to preserve serum osmolarity.