臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.4(6)

特集名 小児期の腎不全対策
題名 腎不全患児のQOLと社会復帰
発刊年月 1999年 04月
著者 星井 桜子 国立療養所西札幌病院小児科
【 要旨 】 腎不全という障害や腎不全治療は,成長発達の途上にある小児に深刻な影響をもたらす.小児の末期腎不全治療の最終選択は腎移植であり,腎不全治療の成功は,社会復帰の可否で決まるといえる.しかし,わが国では死体腎移植の進展がないため小児でも長期透析となり,社会復帰やQOLを阻害する.腎不全患児の社会復帰とQOLに影響を与える問題(家族への負担,学校や就職の問題,患児をとりまく環境の問題など)を取り上げる.
Theme Strategy for the Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure in Children
Title QOL and rehabilitation in children with chronic renal failure
Author Sakurako Hoshii Department of Pediatrics, Nishi-Sapporo National Hospital
[ Summary ] The ultimate goal for treatment of children with ESRD is renal transplantation. However, in Japan, because of severe national shortage of donors for renal transplantation, children require long-term dialysis, which causes a great burden for children and families. The effect of chronic renal failure and replacement therapy on the psychosocial development of children is important. The success of ESRD therapy must be judged by the patient's rehabilitaion. This review focused on many problems affecting patient's rehabilitation and QOL, including the burden of care for families, school attendance, future employment, environmental factors, etc.