臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.3(3-2)

特集名 透析看護の新たな展開 -- 透析患者の変化を読みとる
題名 情報の分析と問題の統合 -- アセスメントと看護診断 (2) データベースアセスメント用紙を使用して患者理解を深める
発刊年月 1999年 03月
著者 大坪 みはる 西部腎クリニック・看護婦
【 要旨 】 エンドレスケアである透析患者への長期的看護展開には,患者の全体像の理解が重要である.当院では,ガゼッタの腎疾患アセスメントツールと老年期アセスメントツールを参考に,維持透析患者の特性を加えた看護データベース用紙を作成し,受持ち看護婦を中心に情報収集を行い,分析用紙を用いて看護診断している.本稿では1事例(A氏)の看護診断抽出までの過程を,データアセスメント用紙,分析用紙,関連図を用いて紹介する.
Theme The Expansion of Dialysis Nursing -- Perceiving the Changes of Dialysis Patients
Title Information analysis and integration of problems -- Assessment and nursing diagnosis
Author Miharu Otsubo Department of Nursing, Seibu Jin-Clinic
[ Summary ] In developing long-term nursing programs for nephrology patients who need continuing care, it is important to understand patients holistically. In our clinic, we prepare nursing data base forms with the characteristics of patients who are under treatment for nephrology in the light of the Gazetta's renal failure assessment tool and an age assessment tool. An assigned nurse and co-workers collect information to conduct nursing diagnoses using analysis forms. This report is to introduce a process for abstracting nursing diagnoses of a patient(Mr. A) with the data base assessment form, analysis form, and related figures. Skilled renal disorder nurses are required to view patients holistically and dynamically for better understanding of them and to aggressively practice a series of work steps in making an effort to improve their assessment skills and competence, in information analysis, and integration, and nursing diagnoses.