臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.2(3)

特集名 腎不全とホモシステイン
題名 基準値について -- 血漿ホモシステインの年齢別変化
発刊年月 1999年 02月
著者 長谷川 卓志 江東区深川南部保健相談所
【 要旨 】 ホモシステインは含硫アミノ酸の中間代謝物であり,動脈硬化進展の独立したリスクファクターの一つであるといわれている.メタアナリシスの結果では,血漿ホモシステインの上昇5μmol/lにつき冠動脈疾患のリスクが1.6倍上昇し,血清総コレステロール20mg/dlの上昇にあたるといわれている.また健常者の血漿ホモシステイン値には,以下の特徴が認められる.分布は右に尾を引くskewed typeで,男性では同年代の女性より高い.男性では年齢とともに上昇するが,女性では閉経までは緩やかに上昇し,閉経後急峻となる.多くの健常者では潜在的なビタミンB6,ビタミンB12,葉酸欠乏があり,ホモシステイン高値の原因となっている.
Theme Homocysteinemia in Association with Chronic Renal Failure
Title Age and gender -- Specific reference intervals for plasma homocysteine in normal subjects
Author Takashi Hasegawa Hukagawa Public Health Center
[ Summary ] There is substantial evidence that homocysteine is a vascular-injuring amino acid,and even moderate hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and premature vascular disease. Meta-analysis of published data showed that for every 5 micro mol/l increase in plasma total homocysteine(tHcy), men had a 1.6 fold increase in coronary heart disease risk. A 5 micro mol/l increase in tHcy is equivalent to an increase in total serum cholesterol of 20 mg/dl. The tHcy variation is skewed toward higher values in normal subjects.Men had higher tHcy concentrations than women at every age. In men, there is a steady increase in homocysteine with age. Women, however, did not show an apparent increase until menopause,when they showed a rapid increase.At this point the sex-related differences in tHcy concentrations were reduced. Most individuals with increased levels of tHcy have suboptimal in takes of folate, vitamin B6 and B12; and supplementation of these vitamins results in a significant reduction in tHcy levels. A reference range should be determined in a population with adequate vitamin intake. The age-and gender-theme central 95% intervals after vitamin supplementation are as follows: 4.6-8.1 micro mol/l for <30years: 6.3-11.2 micro mol/l and 4.5-7.9 micro mol/l for men and women 30-59 years, 5.8-11.9 micro mol/l for subjects at> 60 years. Epidemiological study shows that tHcy in the range of 11.4-14.3 is associated with increased risk of cerebrovascular disease, OR=1.6.