臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.11(5-1)

特集名 ハイテク時代における看護の統合
題名 看護からみた透析管理システムの導入 (1) 中央監視システムと看護体制
発刊年月 1999年 10月
著者 島崎 豊 愛知県厚生連海南病院透析センター・看護士
【 要旨 】 中央監視システムが導入されたことによって業務量調査を実施した結果,システム導入前と比べて透析業務の安全性が強化されたこと,透析装置の操作や処置そして記録に関して効率化がはかられたことを機会に,今後の看護体制のあり方について検討を加えた.
Theme Integration of Nursing Task on the Times of High Technology
Title A centralized monitoring system and nursing systems
Author Yutaka Shimazaki Department of Nursing, The Dialysis Center, The Aichi Prefecture Welfare Ream Kainan Hospital
[ Summary ] A centralized monitoring system is being implemented to track various financial factors.As a result, a more economically efficient system has been put in place for the operation of dialysis equipment, including the disposal of waste materials and record keeping.
Therefore, we would do well to examine the relationship of this type of system in relation to nursing care. This type of system is eliminating the need for nurses to operate dialysis equipment manually. Nursing systems may be changed by introducing fixed formulas for the care giving team, thus freeing the attention of the nursing staff, so more attention may be given to the patient.
This type of improved record keeping will enable nurses to concentrate on patient education and consistently high levels of patient care.