臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.11(4-2)

特集名 ハイテク時代における看護の統合
題名 コンピュータ化と透析室の臨床業務 (2) 看護婦(士)の立場から
発刊年月 1999年 10月
著者 能登 猛 共立蒲原総合病院透析センター・看護士
著者 佐野 廣樹 共立蒲原総合病院透析センター・看護士
著者 簗場 道弘 共立蒲原総合病院透析センター・看護士
【 要旨 】 透析管理システムの稼動は,治療の安全性の確保と業務の合理化がはかられ,透析治療を推進するうえで重要な要因となっている.
Theme Integration of Nursing Task on the Times of High Technology
Title A dialysis administration system is very important for the safety of medical treatment and the rationalization of operation
Author Takeshi Noto Department of Nursing, Dialysis Center, Municipal Kambara General Hospital
Author Hiroki Sano Department of Nursing, Dialysis Center, Municipal Kambara General Hospital
Author Michihiro Yanaba Department of Nursing, Dialysis Center, Municipal Kambara General Hospital
[ Summary ] The dialysis center of the municipal Kambara General Hospital consolidated their information by forming a network between the dialysis administration system and the hospital ordering system. By providing notebook computers to each bedside, we shortened the time for writing medical records and made it easier to collect more detailed information about patients. This enabled us to develop more attentive and efficient medical care. Therefore, using computers in dialysis rooms is a useful way to efficiently attend to patients, according to each individual's needs.