臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.11(2)

特集名 ハイテク時代における看護の統合
題名 看護の専門性とハイテク時代
発刊年月 1999年 10月
著者 佐藤 久光 増子記念病院・看護士
【 要旨 】 透析医療におけるハイテク化は臨床工学技士の役割を大きくさせた.一方,看護業務を軽減させ,ナース1人当りの患者数を増加させることを可能にしてきた.
Theme Integration of Nursing Task on the Times of High Technology
Title The speciality of dialysis nursing on the times of high technology
Author Hisamitsu Satou Department of Nursing, Masuko Institute for Medical Research
[ Summary ] The high technology used in dialysis treatments has given a major role to the clinical engineer. At the same time, it has made it possible to reduce nursing tasks and increase the number of patients per nurse.
On the other hand, it seems that nurses have lost the chance to communicate and watch patients carefully. I think that this is due to ignorance on the part of health care provider and over dependence on medical equipment.
Nowadays, there are two directions by which the dialysis nurse should approach this situation. The first is to learn enough about the abilities and limits of high technologye quipment. The second is to widen the nurses view of patients. That means that the nurse should understand not only the physical side of patient care but also the mental and social side.In order to really understand patients, it is necessary to integrate the separate information.
I belive that this is related to improving the speciality of dialysis nursing.