臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.10(4-6)

特集名 多臓器不全と血液浄化法
題名 多臓器不全の示す症状と治療 (6) 腎不全:透析法と膜および抗凝固剤
発刊年月 1999年 09月
著者 吾妻 眞幸 六甲アイランド病院血液浄化センター
著者 内藤 秀宗 六甲アイランド病院血液浄化センター
【 要旨 】 近年,各種の血液浄化法が積極的に救急領域あるいは集中治療領域で行われるようになった.
Theme Multiple Organ Failure and Blood Purification Therapy
Title Renal failure : Blood purification methods, membrane, and anti-coagulation methods
Author Masayuki Azuma Blood Purification Center, Rokko Island Hospital
Author Hidemune Naito Blood Purification Center, Rokko Island Hospital
[ Summary ] Recently, the blood purification methods have been used done in the emergency medical field and for intensive care. The disease which are the object of this treatment, are as follows, acute renal failure, lung disease, cardiac failure, acute pancreatitis, MOF etc.
After making a selection of the anti-coagulation drugs to be used and choosing a blood purification membrane, with the correct characteristics, we should use them in a unified approach to treat acute patients in need of blood purification. The characteristics of anti-coagulation drugs and the characteristics of the blood purification membranes were described.