臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.1(3-1)

特集名 血液浄化機器の歴史と今後の発展
題名 透析液 (1) カルシウム・ナトリウム
発刊年月 1999年 01月
著者 川西 秀樹 あかね会土谷総合病院人工臓器部
【 要旨 】 透析液ナトリウム(Na)濃度は,除水をいかに安定して行うかを目的として変更されてきた.それにはダイアライザ除去性能の向上,透析機器の進歩と関連しており,現在は正Na透析液(140mEq/l)に集約された.一方,透析液カルシウム(Ca)濃度は腎性骨症に対する治療方針の変遷とともに変更され,Ca濃度2.5,3.5,3.O,2.5mEq/lと変化した.現在なお低Ca透析液(2.5mEq/l)の優位性は確立していない.今後は,個々の症例に合った処方透析のあり方を考える必要がある.
Theme Progress and Future in Blood Purification
Title Dialysate composition -- Ca and Na
Author Hideki Kawanishi Akane Foundation, Tsuchiya General Hospital
[ Summary ] Concerning dialysate Na concentrations, which have changed when they became stabilized through ultrafiltration. This is related to improvements in dialyzer performance. This information was gathered by analyzing Na concentrations of 140 mEq/l.
On the other hand, dialysate Ca concentrations were changed with treatment policies for renal osteodystrophy. Ca concentrations were 2.5 mEq/l at first, but it changed to 3.5, 3.0 mEq/l afterwards. Low Ca levels (2.5 mEq/l) were used again. However, this does not establish the prepotency of low Ca dialysate currently in use.
We need to think about circumstances concerning the composition of dialysates, which relate to individual dialysis prescriptions in the future.