臨牀透析 Vol.15 No.1(2-1)

特集名 血液浄化機器の歴史と今後の発展
題名 水処理 (1) 微量元素など
発刊年月 1999年 01月
著者 川冨 正弘 誠医会川冨内科
【 要旨 】 血液透析患者は飲料水の約25倍の水に曝され,また,透析液中の物質は透析膜を介して直接体内へ入り,蓄積される.このため,微量の物質でも容易に急性・慢性毒性(硬水症候群,フッ素・クロラミン障害,アルミニウム脳症・骨症等)を示す.それゆえ,透析液希釈水の水質基準(AAMI/ASAIO,日本透析医会の自主基準等)は厳しいものが要求され,原水に応じた水処理が必要とされる.水処理法としては,大きな異物やエンドトキシン等を除去する「濾過」,有機化合物を除く「活性炭吸着」,カルシウムやマグネシウム等の陽イオンを取り除く「軟水器」,陽イオン・陰イオンの両方を除去し,純水を造る「脱イオン装置」,微粒子からイオン,エンドトキシンまで幅広く除去できる「逆浸透装置」等があるが,各装置の性質上,(1) 活性炭+微粒子フィルタ+軟水器+逆浸透,(2) 活性炭+微粒子フィルタ+イオン交換器+限外濾過という二つの構成が今日では一般的である.
Theme Progress and Future in Blood Purification
Title Trace elements
Author Masahiro Kawatomi Seiikai-Kawatomi Medical Clinic
[ Summary ] Chronically ill patients under treatment with hemodialysis (HD) are exposed to the equivalent of a 25-fold increase in drinking water in one hour' during HD. The substances in the water used for dialysate production are introduced into the patients directly through the dialysis membrane and accumulate in them. Very small amount's of the substances in the dialysate can easily cause acute or chronic intoxication in patients. Such conditions as hard water syndrome, fluoride and chloramine associated disorders, aluminum encepharopathy and aluminum-related bone disease. Therefore, guidelines for HD water quality are necessarily strict. They are issued by the AAMI/ASAIO and the Japanese Society of Dialysis Therapy etc. Furthermore, water processing must be adapted for each water source. There are different methods of water processing, such as 'filtration' to remove large particles or endotoxins, 'activated charcoal' to remove many kinds of organic compounds, 'water softening' to remove cations (calcium and magnesium etc.), "deionization" to remove both cations and anions, and "reverse osmosis" to remove microparticles, ions and endotoxins over a wide rang. Recently, 2 types of combined methods are popular for water processing. First one is the combination of an activated charcoal, microfilter, softening and reverse osmosis and another is one having activated charcoal, a microfilter, deionization and ultrafiltration.