臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.7(8)

特集名 在宅血液透析療法
題名 在宅透析患者の看護
発刊年月 1998年 06月
著者 進士 弘和 新生会第一病院家庭透析センター・看護士
【 要旨 】 われわれの施設における在宅血液透析(在宅HD)への取組みでは,この26年内に延べ149名の教育訓練を行ってきた.安全に行うための教育と教育後の支援システムは,今日,ほぼ確立されてきている.
Theme Home Hemodialysis
Title Nursing in home hemodialysis
Author Hirokazu Shinji Home hemodialysis Center, Shinseikai Dai-ichi Hospital
[ Summary ] We have provided training for a total of 148 patients over the past 26 years at the Shinseikai Home hemodialysis Center. The training system and a support system after training, to assure safe home hemodialysis is now almost fully in place.
With adequate sellf-care through home hemodialysis, patients can maintain good health, and enjoy a better quality of life with more freedom.
One drawback to home hemodialysis, however, is the mental stress experienced by the caregiver, e.g.the feeling of being restricted.
Various cases are used to explain the process up to the time that patients began home hemodialysis, along with the role that then ursing suport system provided.
It is our ardent hope that all hemodialysis patients all will soon be able to select home hemodialysis as their means of treatment.