臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.7(6)

特集名 在宅血液透析療法
題名 在宅血液透析のための透析機器開発
発刊年月 1998年 06月
著者 前田 憲志 名古屋大学大幸医療センター
著者 新里 高弘 名古屋大学大幸医療センター
【 要旨 】 わが国の施設透析での至適透析条件の達成率を検討し,施設透析で改善が難しい点をまとめた.これらの点を改良し提供できる方式として在宅血液透析(在宅HD)を位置づける.また,全国の透析施設にアンケート調査を依頼し,在宅透析実施の方向性をまとめた.
Theme Home Hemodialysis
Title Dialysis equipment for home hemodialysis
Author Kenji Maeda Nagoya University Daiko Medical Center
Author Takahiro Shinzato Nagoya University Daiko Medical Center
[ Summary ] The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy has investigated and published its list of conditions for Adequacy of Dialysis. The percentage of patients undergoing hemodialysis in compliance with these conditions at Japanese medical institutions has been investigated. In only 13.2% of patients has a single dialysis session lasted the requisite time of over 5 hours, and the condition of more than 1.6Kt/V has been met in no more than 16.3% of cases. These findings indicate that, due to social factors, institutions are not providing the best treatment, and that there is ample room for improvement. In home dialysis, these points must also be improved and the best possible therapy provided. Moreover, the following functions are required : easy operation by the patient him- or herself; automatic purification and sterilization; data communications; just the press of a button to a center in case of sudden hypotension; and ability to obtain infusion of a fixed amount of supplementary fluid.