臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.7(2)

特集名 在宅血液透析療法
題名 米国における在宅血液透析の現況
発刊年月 1998年 06月
著者 斎藤 明 東海大学医学部腎・代謝内科
【 要旨 】 米国における在宅血液透析(在宅HD)は,1986年には全透析患者の6%を占めていたが,その後0.9%にまで減少している.しかし近年,再度関心を寄せられるようになってきている.透析患者数,とりわけ高齢透析患者が増加してきているからである.連日在宅HD法に患者の全身状態改善効果があることが注目されており,それも在宅HDの関心の高まりに一定の影響を与えている.また,ワシントン州では,独自のヘルパー制度を作り,高齢者や視力障害者などにも在宅HDが可能になる道を切り開いている.ヘルパーの1回の透析介助料は約38ドルであり,それはおもにメディケアより支払われている.わが国で在宅HDを普及させるうえで,このような米国の在宅システムから学ぶことは意義のあることと考えられる.
Theme Home Hemodialysis
Title Home hemodialysis in the United States
Author Akira Saito Kidney Center, Department of Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In 1995, the percentage of in-home hemodialysis patients fell to 0.9, in the United States, compared to a rate of 6% in 1986. Recently, however, home hemodialysis has been given little attention by the world dialysis society. The main reason it has become a matter of concern is the increased number of dialysis patients, especially the extremely high number of aged dialysis patients. Furthermore, daily home hemodialysis has taken on a new importance because of improvements in patients' general condition. In Washington State a new assistance system has been developed and applied to home hemodialysis patients. It has been implemented not only active dialysis patients but also aged and/or blind patients have also become able to treat themselves, using home hemodialysis. An assistant fee for one dialysis session is about $38, and the fee is paid by Medicare or private insurance. We should learn from the US home hemodialysis system in order to establish the Japanese original system.