臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.3(3-2-2)

特集名 透析看護 -- 質の改善をどう追求するか
題名 質改善への取組み (2) 私の考える質改善のポイント [2] 患者とともに目指す質改善への道
発刊年月 1998年 03月
著者 清川 伸子 新里内科・看護婦
【 要旨 】 透析看護の質の改善には,(1) 患者のQOLの向上,(2) 業務の改善,(3) 看護婦の質の向上,などが必要と思われる.
当院では,(1) については,患者や職員を対象に,院内イベントの開催や種々の対応を計画的に行ってきた.患者の透析に関する知識教育に加え,患者自身に自分の体力・体調を認識させるべく運動の指導を重ねた結果,自らQOLの向上を目指すまでに成長している.(2) については,シャント部消毒方法の改良,患者の増加に伴う透析クールの変更(週5クール制)や勤務時間の見直しによる週40時間,週3日勤務制を実行し効率化をはかってきた.(3) については,院内教育・接遇教育・グループ別学習方法を取り入れることにより,徐々にではあるが,ステップアップしていると思われる.
Theme Dialysis Nursing -- How can we pursue the improvement of the quality of nursing
Title Strategy for continuous quality improvement in the nursing process -- Quality ilnprovement with patients
Author Nobuko Kiyokawa Department of nursing, Shinzato Naika
[ Summary ] To improve the quality of nursing care for dialysis, we focused on the following modifications :
1. an improvement in the quality of life (QOL) of patients,
2. a revision of nursing duties,
3. improvements in nursing quality.
1. We have periodically conducted various events and seminars for dialysis instruction and counselling for all of our patients and staff. In addition to dialysis instruction, physical conditioning and fitness were emphasized in our seminars and events. As a result, the majority of our patients reported that their QOL has improved.
2. An advanced technique in shunt sterilization, accompanied with a change in attending shift schedules (to a 3 day a week schedule which involves 5 shifts and 40 working hours), we are doing well, dealing with a large number of patient.
3. Staff seminars, instruction on contacting patients and small group discussions, held in the clinic, yielded slow but concrete results.