臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.3(3-2-1)

特集名 透析看護 -- 質の改善をどう追求するか
題名 質改善への取組み (2) 私の考える質改善のポイント [1] 八戸平和病院における看護管理の取組み
発刊年月 1998年 03月
著者 菊島 レイ子 八戸平和病院看護部
【 要旨 】 21世紀を目前にして,社会は人間中心,個人中心に向かっている.医療を取り巻く環境も,保健医療制度改革と高齢者の医療保険の確立に向けて大きく揺れている.この医療変革期に看護管理や看護提供システムの在り方すなわち,看護の質が問われ始めている.当院の看護部が看護の専門性・看護婦の自律という目標に向かって日夜,試行錯誤しながら進めている看護管理の現状を4項目にまとめて報告する.
Theme Dialysis Nursing -- How can we pursue the improvement of the quality of nursing
Title Strategy for continuous quality improvement in the nursing process -- Management of nursing in our hospital
Author Reiko Kikushima Department of nursing, Hachinohe Heiwa Hospital
[ Summary ] At the end of the 20th century our community is shifting to a more human orientation and standardization of individual health care becomes a difficult problem. The environment surrounding health care management is also changing with the trend in reformation of the government health insurance plans and new financial plans for aged patients.
In this ever changing health care environment, the need for nurses to develop professional care management systems is essential. As a nurse executive, I want to report our practical experience by highlighting four points regarding how we manage our nursing organization in order to realize our professional identities.