臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.3(1-1-2)

特集名 透析看護 -- 質の改善をどう追求するか
題名 スタッフレベルの質の評価 (1) 1年未満のスタッフの自己評価 [2]「透析看護マインド」の重要性への理解
発刊年月 1998年 03月
著者 長崎 佐代子 増子記念病院第1透析室・看護婦
【 要旨 】 透析室に配属された新人ナースの立場から,透析看護の質の問題について新人教育を受けながら学んだことを述べる.
Theme Dialysis Nursing -- How can we pursue the improvement of the quality of nursing
Title Self-evaluation of new nurses -- Importance of "Dialysis Nursing Mind"
Author Sayoko Nagasaki Department of nursing, Masuko Institute for Medical Research
[ Summary ] From the standpoint of a new nurse assigned to be dialysis department, I express herein my educational experience with the problem of quality of dialysis nursing.
There is a curriculum for practical skills and for lectures. It was effective to be checked for ongoing development of nursing skills and knowledge of dialysis.
It is important to get not only the technique and the knowledge, but also to comprehence "The Dialysis Nursing Minds" which recounts nursing attitudes.
To be, and to have a directive which seems to be with the experts of dialysis nursing with our to aim at high quality nursing in general. I consider it important to raise the issue of the specialty nature of dialysis nursing.