臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.2(8)

特集名 急性腎不全の血液浄化法
題名 急性腎不全の予後と規制因子
発刊年月 1998年 02月
著者 大森 浩之 重井医学研究所附属病院腎臓病センター
【 要旨 】 急性腎不全(ARF)は原則的には,原因が除去されれば腎機能は回復しうる疾患である.なかには不可逆性に進行し,腎死に至る症例もあるが,腎臓のみの単独臓器不全であれば,その生命予後は侵されてはならない.一方,腎臓以外の臓器不全を合併する場合は,その予後は悪く,救命を第一に治療を進めることが肝要である.
Theme Recent Advances in Acute Renal Failure: pathogenesis and treatment
Title Prognosis of acute renal failure and its regulating factors
Author Hiroyuki Omori Renal Center, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
[ Summary ] Acute renal failure is basically a reversible disease. Renal function can be restored when the direct cause is eliminated, although there are irreversible cases which progress to renal death. Therefore, the lives of patients with renal failure only should be protected.
On the contrary, the prognosis of patients with multiple organ failure along with a kidney problem is grave, such that life-saving measures are an essential and should be the primary treatment for these patients.