臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.2(7)

特集名 急性腎不全の血液浄化法
題名 急性腎不全における補助療法 -- 栄養,感染,DIC,出血,心血管合併症など
発刊年月 1998年 02月
著者 山地 泉 旭川赤十字病院腎臓内科
著者 和田 篤志 旭川赤十字病院腎臓内科
著者 石黒 俊哉 旭川赤十字病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 急性腎不全(ARF)における適切な栄養・代謝管理や感染症,DIC,出血,心血管合併症の治療は,腎機能の早期回復のみならず生命予後の改善にとって重要である.蛋白補給は異化亢進の程度に応じて必須アミノ酸と非必須アミノ酸,また分枝アミノ酸(BCAA)を投与する.エネルギー消費量も病態により異なるので必要量を考慮し,糖質中心に投与する.免疫能低下から感染症も重症化しやすい.とくに呼吸器感染症は死亡率が高く注意する.DICは出血傾向ばかりでなく,腎機能障害を増悪,遷延化させる.出血対策としてビタミンKやH2ブロッカーも投与する.高齢化に伴い心血管疾患を有するARFが増加しており,循環管理としての水・電解質管理にも注意が必要である.
Theme Recent Advances in Acute Renal Failure: pathogenesis and treatment
Title Treatments for nutrition and metabolism, infection, DIC, hemorrhage and cardiovascular diseases in patients with ARF
Author Izumi Yamaji Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Red Cross Hospital
Author Atsushi Wada Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Red Cross Hospital
Author Toshiya Ishiguro Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Treatments for nutrition and metabolism, infection, DIC, hemorrhage and cardiovascular diseases in patients with ARF are very important for the recovery of renal function and to decrease mortality. The amount of protein, which depends on the degree of catabolism, should be provided as both essential and nonessential amino acids and enriched with BCAA. Energy should be administered as dextrose mainly depending on metabolic demands. Infections in patients with ARF might become severe because of immunological dysfunction. Particularly, the mortality rate in patients with pulmonary infection is high. DIC in patients with ARF, might cause a bleeding tendency, and worsening or prolongation of renal dysfunction. Prophylactic administration of H2 blocker and vitamin K to patients with ARF is recommended. In elderly patients with ARF, it is important to control the water-electrolyte balance carefully, because the elderly usually have concomitant cardiovascular diseases.