臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.14(6)

特集名 合併症を伴う透析患者の栄養指導
題名 嚥下障害
発刊年月 1998年 12月
著者 鈴木 正司 信楽園病院内科
著者 岩原 由美子 信楽園病院栄養科
【 要旨 】 嚥下障害は栄養障害,誤嚥による肺炎などにより患者のQOLや生命予後にも直接影響を与える.
Theme Nutritional Guidance for Hemodialysis Patients with Complications
Title Management of the patients with dysphagia
Author Masashi Suzuki Kidney Center, Shinraku-en Hospital
Author Yumiko Iwahara Department of Nutrition, Shinraku-en Hospital
[ Summary ] The number of dialysis patients with dysphagia is increasing, mainly because of frequent cerebrovascular complications due to aging society demographics. Dysphagia could present troublesome difficulties, including malnutrition and life-threatening complications such as aspiration pneumonia. For the better management of patients' diet therapy, the selection of appropriate foods, cooking methods and patients' positions are important. Foods with the proper viscosity will make swallowing easy in many cases. It is also important to maintain intake of sufficient nutrients, and maintain sodium, potassium and phosphate limitations. Personal taste is also to be considered. Oral intake is the first choice, but tube feeding, gastrostomy or intravenous nutrition are altanative methods in severe caces.