臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.14(1)

特集名 合併症を伴う透析患者の栄養指導
題名 総論
発刊年月 1998年 12月
著者 臼井 昭子 東京家政大学家政学部栄養学科 / 前 東京女子医科大学附属病院栄養部
【 要旨 】 透析治療の発展に伴う長期透析患者の増加や患者の高齢化は,さまざまな合併症の出現をみるようになり,患者や家族に大きな負担を強いることになっている.
Theme Nutritional Guidance for Hemodialysis Patients with Complications
Title Nutritional guidance for hemodialysis patients with complications
Author Akiko Usui Tokyo kasei University Department of Nutrition / former Department of Nutrition, Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital
[ Summary ] The increase in the number of dialysis patients and the age of those patients has come about because of developments in techniques for dialysis treatment. The incidence of various kinds of complications has increased, putting considerable strain on patients and their families. Complications with dialysis patients may be caused by various factors, but it is clear that they are related to their diet.
Therefore, through the proper administration of nutrition, it is possible to prevent the occurence and development of complication by maintaining good nutrition. This paper explains the basics of a dialysis diet and the important points regarding nutrition.